Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A huge variety of microbes into the lungs...

risk factors of pneumonia

Is pneumonia contagious? Pneumonia is a disease that can be caused by bacteria strattera 10mg or viruses. In both cases, the infection is contagious. Respiratory infections caused by the same bacteria that cause pneumonia. When germs from people suffering from pneumonia get transferred to another infection in the recipient does not necessarily lead to the same infection. Most likely, infection upper respiratory tract, like flu or cold can cause. Germs that cause pneumonia are the nose and mouth infected person. Programs germs through touching any contaminated surface or air. Entry in to the body through the nose, mouth or eyes. Once in the body, these infectious germs will be conducted by the immune system. The former are trying to breed, and later tries to kill pathogens. These microbes are trying to spread to other places in the body and how blood flow and lung. Immunity is struggling with this limited and symptoms of the body from which the embryos would have made a record. P immune system is not always in excellent condition and will not be able to fight harmful germs as effectively forever. A huge variety of microbes into the lungs can cause boost the immune system seems less effective. Sometimes there are some diseases already in the body as chronic obstructive breach or diabetes and other diseases that target their immune systems like AIDS or HIV makes people more susceptible to infection. Sometimes the activity of microbes attack is so strong that immunity can not prevent the advance of infection. Duration of infection is contagious, depending on the type of germ causing it. Once the germs enter the body, it takes 2 to 3 days here so that they are contagious to be submitted to cover the relevant symptoms until they are past. The intensity of contagiousness is highest between the second and fourth day of infection. Usually pneumonia lasts about 2 weeks, during which the infection is contagious. PP

personal hygiene, like washing hands, both hands on the nose, mouth or eyes, limited contact with infected people and to refrain from the use of subjects infected person as glass or dishes that can get infected easily can prevent transmission these harmful microbes. More Articles: Can cause pneumonia elderly stroke symptoms? How long does it take to get better from pneumonia? How long will my baby Stay at home after pneumonia? Is pneumonia contagious? Is There a pneumonia vaccine? Ehow: is pneumonia contagious? http://www. ehow. com/about_4607241_pneumonia-contagious_. HTML

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